Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Hate to Give off the Impression

That the past few months have been nothing but agony. I've actually had some wonderful moments. Between a family reunion we hosted, a family vacation (which involved a bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon), concerts and performances, and the acquisition of, among other things, a lace parasol and a corset, I've certainly had quite a time.

But I've begun to notice a pattern. When in the grip of Darkness, I grow further and further from God and religion. I sink into a pit of petulant self-indulgence. But when things even out, I feel fantastic, and am much more able to focus on my duties as a daughter.

In any case, now that I'm outside my own mind, I can ease back into the joy I felt this past spring...and I look forward to sharing it with you all.

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