Sunday, October 19, 2008

Poking My Head Up

Perhaps someday I will be able to tell you all about everything that has gone on since I last posted.

For now, however, I would just like to sigh and lament that once again, we have been given a "historical" film. And once again it is frought with post-feminist thinking.

I am not a proponent of women bending to the will of abusive husbands; any such man who feels it justified to treat a woman so cannot make the claim of godliness. That being said...

The Duchess staring Kiera Knightley is like The Vagina Monologues in Georgian gowns. The entire message is fiercely anti-male.

We come away with the correct message indoctrinated; men are not to be trusted. Particularly older men. Particularly the ones we marry. Men are vile, lust-driven creatures who are cold, selfish, distant and cruel. Marriage is an institution of control, and any woman who engages in it invites oppression. Our only hope for happiness in such a wretched situation is the taking of lovers. No matter their gender. I even get the vibe, at several points, that our children hold us back from the true fulfillment we could achieve in their abscence.

Hopefully I can spare at least one misguided fellow lady from viewing this gilded travesty by placing this out in cyberspace.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

You just spared me! I was thinking about going to see it, but after hearing your review I will definitely skip it.

Welcome back to blogland! You were missed!!
