Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sea of Confusion

I'm at a crossroads in my life right now. I look right and I see a life I would love to lead, filled with wonderful things and promises to be fulfilled.

I look left and I see a drastically different life, but a wonderful one nonetheless, filled with things no less wonderful and promises no less true.

Parts of me are pulled down each path, places inside me calling out for the futures they could have. I know whichever path I choose, I will keep both sides of my personality. But one will, one must, have more sway than the other.

I'm swimming, no, drowning in the million liquid questions in my brain. What makes one person more right than another? What makes one God more valid?

There HAS to be a Standard, doesn't there? Everything can't, it just can't be all relative. That goes against so many things I see every day. I mean, if everything really WERE just what each individual person thinks and nothing more, the universe would be chaos, wouldn't it? And it isn't.

Someone taught the birds to fly south, someone knew the sky should be blue and not red. How in the name of all that is could this Earth end up exactly the right size and in exactly the right place just by coming out of atoms and chaos?

Just how much of everything is black and white? Seldom is there an argument where someone isn't wrong. You can point at a square and yell with all your might that it's a circle. You can even convince some people that it's a circle. You could be in the majority. But it doesn't make the square any less a square. It's still what it is, and you're wrong about it.

I'm babbling, I know it. I can't help myself. These questions want ANSWERS.

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