Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Voices of Dreams

Dreaming is a powerful thing, and all throughout history people have received important revelations through them. Whenever I'm lost about something, I ask for a sign in my dreams. And since I've been feeling lost a lot lately, I asked for one last night.

The result? I'm taking a deep breath and walking down the right fork of the road I mentioned yesterday.

I'm excited. I feel extremely peaceful, as though in the night all of yesterday's, and the past several month's, uncertainties have been washed away. I feel...purposeful.

It's a beautiful day here. The winter is creeping away, the fountain is running, and I'm wearing my maroon Ebay petal skirt. I've got a lot to do. I'll need to do a schedule overhaul tonight so that I can get back into my summer cleaning/schooling routine...I've definately slacked off. I'm also going to poke my head up on a few blogs I've been subscribed to.

1 comment:

Mrs. Anna T said...

Lydia, I'm glad you're back!