Thursday, April 10, 2008

Change of Sewing Plans

You'll notice that my little Sewing Projects list has changed a bit...I'm pushing the Rococo Blouse aside for a short while. Why?

Simply because of my recently acquired position as a voluneer at the Overholser Mansion, a tour home in our city.

I'm going to be helping out extensively in the planning of their Overholser Tea, which is this May. As the house was built in the early 1900s, the theme is period-correct to the time.

Enter my newest conquest, the 1910s Tea Gown!

I'm thinking...white and peach.


Everly Pleasant said...

Wow! Sounds like a great job for you. I hope that the tea goes splendidly and that your dress turns out just as lovely as the pictures on the link!

Leigh said...

I think that dress would be gorgeous!! I can't wait to see pictures of the finished product. I REALLY need to get my sewing machine out again. :)


Rachel said...

I am in awe of those who sew. Just wanted to say you have a beautiful little spot here in Cyper Space. Oh, and I just LOVE your Alan Keyes blog button. I supported him when he ran in 2000. I think he's fab!


Everly Pleasant said...

Who is Alan Keyes exactly?