Monday, April 14, 2008

Please Pray, and a Playlist

My great uncle Bill passed away recently. We weren't close, but I'm not sure how well Dad is taking it, so any prayers would be appreciated.

That being said, I'd like to give ya'll a little more insight into my world. So, I decided to whip up a playlist to show you what I'm listening to, at least right now. It changes often, but these are my most-played songs as of this week.

The Obligatory Note: I don't necessarily endorse the ideologies or other relevant aspects of the artists contained herein, etc. etc.

Stars and Butterflies - the new Pride and Prejudice has a beautiful score. This is sort of my 'happy song,' and I put it on when I wake up a lot.

La Follia - I love, love, love this piece. It's from the Baroque period, and is rather long, but worth it. I'm a sucker for violin.

Angels - This is my Mom's current favorite song. We're both big fans of groups that combine heavier rock with classical elements.

The Mystic's Dream - I love Loreena McKennitt, and this is my favorite track off of The Mask and Mirror

The Mummer's Dance - The best track from The Book of Secrets

Come to Jesus - I bought this CD when it came out, and wore it to bits. I love Mindy Smith's voice.

Fields of Gold - This song always makes me smile. I've loved it since I was little.

Lacrymosa - A haunting piece from Mozart's Requiem.

Lacrymosa - And a fantastic bit of sampling in a rock song.

Moonlight Sonata - what's not to love?

Ta-da! There you have it. Feel free to listen, repeat, skip, etc. :)

NOTE: if it's acting up or loading slowly, try clicking "Standalone player"


MamaBirdEmma said...

We have very similar taste in music! Have you heard "Broken" by Seether featuring Amy Lee of Evanesance?

Everly Pleasant said...

Lydia, I am sorry about your uncle and will say a prayer for your dad. My great-grand mother passed away this week and so my mother and grandmother are both having a similar time as I am sure your dad is. Please do the same for us!
About musica:
I adore the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack...Stars and Butterflies is one of my favorites.
I love classical music but don't know much specifics.
I love that song by Sting and his other stuff with the police!
Funny, I just posted something on clickety-clack about what I've been listening to.