Monday, April 7, 2008

Posted Today

A friend of mine talked me into getting a Myspace, so I thought I might as well use it for good. I posted this today.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

What you are about to read may shock and even offend you. I ask that you set aside your presuppositions, as the message I bear is urgent.

We’ve been lied to. All of us. Since we were old enough to absorb information, we have been fed a steady diet of complete and boldfaced deception. And for what? To serve the agendas of a now elite few, and, in many cases, for the sake of money.

Guys! You have been dehumanized. You have been brought up to believe that you are nothing more than animals who can’t control their urges. You’ve been told your lot in life is to spend your younger years as a promiscuous boozehound devoid of goal or honor. That all you can expect to become is a bumbling, obese idiot who is crude, lazy, and helpless without someone to direct you.

Girls! What about us? We’ve been led to believe we’re nothing more than eye candy, measured by the shape of our lips, the tanness of our skin, and the circumference of our thighs. We’re playthings in the eyes of the world, to be used, cheated on, and laughed about behhind our backs.

Guys, you’ve been slighted by a school system that forces you to sit still from preschool on. And by a culture that, through the power of suggestions, has robbed you of your God-given ability to lead.

Girls, we’ve been ordered to repress our instincts, to just dry up. We trade what we are born to be for a life chasing a perfect model of impossible self-sufficiency, and are perplexed when we wind up unhappy.

Yes, we’ve all been lied to.

But let me let you in on a little secret, one that a lot of people don’t want you to know.

Men, you were born to be Regents of the World. To lead, to pioneer, and to protect. You were made to do hard things, accomplish unbelievable goals, and raise civilizations from nothingness. It is you who lays the foundations, who slays the dragons.

Women, you were created for a beautiful purpose. You are designed to sustain nations. To give birth to children that can collectively shake the world. The future belongs to the woman who has raised her children well. It is us, the ladies, who set the standard of the worth of society.

Men, you have been told to get in line and keep your head down. But what about George Washington? Patrick Henry? Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Women, you’ve been told that "well-behaved" women never make history. I charge you to look to Dolly Madison, The Botkin Sisters, and to Mary herself.

I dare you not to swallow anymore lies.

I dare you to believe that we, male and female, are worth more.

I dare you to believe that we have a purpose.

And I dare you to believe we can accomplish it.


Everly Pleasant said...

Beautiful speech. I won't say that I learned anything from it but I was inspired. The thing I did learn is that you and I are much alike. Good work wording my thoughts! I wish that I could go yell this through the windows of our high school (which I don't attend you know) and get everyone to shake this "okay ignorance" and question themselves. It really isn't their faults but the faults of their parents and so I pity them. But then again, it isn't really their parents faults either because their parents taught them this way. But somewhere there has to be a break and then this streaming line of stereotypes and stupidity can die and some of the lines that were previously passing down knowledge of this sort would turn into a line which passes down virtue and possibility. Thank you,
Your friend,
Everly P.
p.s. I don't have facebook or myspace for these reasons. I feel like people take it as a "mini-real life" and that these networks are guilty of much of the lack of intimate relationships of our generation. As a matter of fact, I feel already that you and I are better friends than most of the people who would be on my "friend list" which considering that we've only commented on each others corners of cyberspace is pretty sad.

Everly Pleasant said...

Woah, sorry that was so long!

Lydia said...

:) I love your comments, E.

Leigh said...

Wow, Lydia!!! That was an amazing post!! I couldn't agree more and you put it so beautifully.

In awe,