Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas: In the Ozarks, On the Prairie, and With Dogs

I had a fantastic time in Ft. Smith with many, many family members I don't often get to see. I got a whole stack of journals from my aunt, some teacups from Mom and Jay, a cameo from my other aunt and uncle, and won a Starbucks gift card in our gift exchange. But the best part? Getting to go through stacks and stacks of family photos and bring some home to scan...I'll post a few when we get them done.

I spent my Christmas Day at my Grandmother's house in the western part of the state, with my Dad and great-grandma present as well. We had a lovely time, with a nice, easy Christmas dinner. Between playing with Nanny's new dog, passing out gifts, and dropping a piece of pie on the floor, there wasn't a dull moment!

That night when I got home, our neighbors came caroling with a plate of homemade goodies, their cute dog in tow. It was the first time any of us had ever had carolers!

And yesterday, in the spirit of the season, we opened our home to a stranger; a young female dog we saw wandering around outside. She was very skinny, skittish, and had an old, worn collar on.

We started off in the morning by leaving food out for her, and by the end of the day she was eating lunchmeat out of Jay's hand. The forecast correctly predicted terrible storms for last night, so we brought her inside and gave her a blanket, food and water. She, in turn, gave us a wagging tail and kisses. By the end of the night she was a completely different dog, relaxed and happy.

As if it was meant to be, our friend Denise who lives a block away has been involved with a breed-specific rescue for years, and our new tenant was of that particular breed (boxer). She came by and the dog hopped up into her car, and off they went. She'll stay at Denise's house until a good adoptive home can be found for her.

Have a happy rest of the year, and whether you celebrated Christmas or not, I hope you've had a merry December!

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