Friday, January 9, 2009

Baking Soda!

I love baking soda. It is my new favorite household item. Today, I have scrubbed countertops, cleaned the sink, and done all manner of amazing things with simple, humble baking soda. Rather than needing six or seven cleaners, all I needed was a little baking soda and some water, and in some cases a pinch of vinegar to get to the tough things out. It's kind of fun to play chemist in your sink, and even soaked-in black paint goes away in a snap.

I've also found that a paste of 4 parts baking soda and one part water is the single best thing you can use to clean a toilet. In addition to the fantastic cleaning job, it deodorizes and gives off a great scent, completely free of any chemical odor.

I'm also getting ready to make a few personal care products, such as deodorant and toothpaste, myself, and I'll post those results as well.

Also, I've found that mineral oil with a pinch of lemon juice makes a fantastic furniture polish!


LizzieD said...

Oh I remember the joy of discovering the wonders of baking soda as a (very cheap and) chemical-free cleaning agent - it's fantastic stuff, as you so rightly point out!
Thankyou for the lovely lemonade award, I could do with a drop of that right now, so when I get my act together re blogging again, I'll drink some up!
Glad to hear you enjoyed Christmas, we're still enjoying the Epiphany season, and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you too.
God Bless.

Everly Pleasant said...

How exciting! I was (inspired by you of course) discussing chemical-free housekeeping with my mother at lunch today. I think I'll give it go Monday.