Tuesday, January 27, 2009

White Out!

Tomorrow, classes are cancelled, as they were today and Monday afternoon. We're having a mix of snow and ice fall down and make everything pretty hard to drive in. Jay had to come rescue me Monday; unfortunately, that means my car is still stranded in the university parking lot! Our hope is that by tomorrow evening the roads will be good enough to go get it, though.

Mom and Jay are, unfortunately, classified as Essential Personnel in their departments, and as such have not had any days off for weather. So I've been cocooned at home, alternately scrubbing bathtubs and drinking hot cocoa. I've tried out a few more baking soda recipes, and have concluded that 1/4 c of baking soda, 1/4 c of cornstarch, and 3T of coconut oil mixed and stuffed into an empty deodorant container works much better than anything I've ever bought at the store for that purpose! It's definately not "clear dry," however, so if you wear a darker color, you'll have to be careful putting your shirt on.

I've been on a total denim skirt kick lately, and have been using my clothing budget to acquire some nice ones. I may do a clothes post in a few days, just ebcause I'm so excited to have winter clothes that aren't black!

I hope this finds everyone safe and sound. Stay warm!

1 comment:

Everly Pleasant said...

Our weather hasn't been the best either, but nothing as bad as yours seems to be. It has been overcast for (what seems like)two weeks and yesterday/last night we got some stormy weather and frozen rain. Sabrina and Joey were out of town and almost spent the night due to hazardous driving conditions. This morning it is calm but cloudy and 32 degrees.
I've been doing more experiments as well! I just walked into the world of ammonia! Somehow, I don't think that it quite fits in with the other things. Instead of being chemical free, I think ammonia is just one big chemical. I just hope I don't pass out! ;)
Feel free to chat it up if you're home alone much longer! I'll be around, checking email etc. I look very much forward to your clothing post. Perhaps I'll do one as well.