Saturday, March 29, 2008

*gasp* Tagged!

Dear Maggie at Don't Know What I'm Doing has tagged me...This should be interesting.

What I was doing 10 years ago:

Ten years ago, I was seven years old. Wow. This time ten years ago, I was getting to know my then-future stepfather. I can't remember exactly, but by now, he and Mom were probably engaged. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly warm to the idea at the time. I'm greatful God has since worked in my heart to change that. They were married in July in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I was also in school, obviously. Second grade, I believe. That would have made Mrs. Funk my teacher. She loved honeybees, and took us on a field trip to a bee farm.

Five things on my To Do List today:

1. Straighten up

2. Vacuum

3. Go to my doctor's appointment

4. Read a chapter

5. Go to dance

Snacks I enjoy:

Cheese nachos

Granny Smith apples


sunflower kernels

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Ah, what a thought. First thing, I'd pay off my parent's house, and buy my own in Eureka Springs for the future. Then I'd give several million to all of my grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. Maybe make a Family Fund that anyone who needed it could access. Then I'd help out my friend's father with their bills, and set up her aunt and uncle (and their six kids). I'd probably send a bit the way of my readers, as well. :) Finally, I'd go crazy with patterns and fabric and books and not emerge from my room for six months, once I've created a wardrobe that spans the 15th-19th centuries.

Five places I have lived:

A farm in the countryside by Cordell, Oklahoma

Clinton, Oklahoma

A townhouse in Oklahoma City

Yukon, Oklahoma

Back to OKC (current)

Five jobs I have had:



Unofficial Secretary

Short-order Seamstress

Stay-at-Home Daughter!!!

Five people I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!):

Everly P at Clickety~Clack

Leigh at A Lady's Wistful Moments

Emma at Charming the Birds from the Trees

Michelle at Ave Maria

...That's all I can think of...


Everly Pleasant said...

Wow, I am honored...but what do I do now that I've been tagged?
Your ignorant reader,

Everly Pleasant said...

Oooh, okay,
now do I make a the same list on clickety-clack and fill it out with my own answers?

LizzieD said...

Thanks for doing this - it's always interesting to know one's fellow bloggers a bit better!
I love your bit about going crazy with patterns and fabric - I have a huge pile of fabric that I must get round to sewing sometime, and now you've put me in the way of Sense and Sensibility patterns, I'll have to see if I can find something sensible and matronly to sew for myself!!