Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sewing Post

Everly, to answer your questions...I myself do not have a copy of that catalogue, my grandmother in Arkansas does, though. A worthy splurge is the Vogue Sewing Book, which is available at any Barnes and Noble for $30, but it looks like there are some lower-priced used copies on Amazon. It goes into detail about colors, patterns, textures, and all manner of cuts and garment variations.

If I were you, first, I'd either get a book or look online and learn some basic stitches, or, if you have a machine, information on that. Sometimes fabric and craft stores have demonstrations or classes, as well. The only training I had was one day making a nightgown with my grandmother. Aside from that, I'm self-taught. If youhave a machine, look in the owner's manual and see how to set it for various fabrics. Put it on a light setting and practice straight lines on a piece of notebook paper.

If you haven't got a machine, don't fret. I do all my work by hand! Just pick up some basic needles, a bit of white thread, and some scraps of fabric (if you buy it, 1/4 yard of 99 cent muslin is just fine.) And practice basic stitches. Do this until you're comfortable.

Then get a tape measure and take down your measurements before you go to the store, so that you'll be able to look and see which pattern size you are. They're usually off a couple as compared to retail sizing. Look through the Simplicity and McCalls catalogues. Both of them have Easy sections, and that's a great place to start. Also, often times Hancock and Hobby Lobby put patterns on sale for a dollar apiece. Once you find something you like, look at the suggested fabrics and the amount you need, and pick something out. Sales are a great thing to take advantage of here, too!

From there, just follow the instructions on your pattern! It'll show you how to lay it out to cut it, what order to piece it in, and pretty much anything else you need to know.

As for some pictures, I've managed to pull a few together.

Here's a skirt I made from instructions online:

I've also got this wonderful apron I made from a Sense and Sensibility pattern:

Also, I've got the Easter dress I made for a friend's girl. It looked adorable on. The pattern is also from S&S:

Aside from that, most of my sewing goes to people other than myself, so I don't have a lot of photos. More are coming, though!


Leigh said...

You are making me want to get my sewing machine back out!! I have been so lazy lately :)

I hope you don't mind that I linked my blog to your :).

Take care,
Leigh :)

Everly Pleasant said...

Thank you very much!
My sister has a sewing machine, but she just got it for Christmas and so far it is more of an ornament than a machine. ;)
Wow, I am very impressed! I assumed you used a machine because in the videos Betty (or whatever her name was) uses one, but hand stitching is quite a task! The things you made look very good! I will check into sewing due to my day-dreaminess but I currently can't buy anything due to "brokeness." But thank you very much, I will keep everything you said in mind and hopefully can try a few stitches in the near future!