Sunday, March 2, 2008

Signs of Spring

The only way I can describe the weather today is that it feels like home. There's a coolness in the air, but also a distinct, moist-smelling humidity. It's not really spring in Oklahoma until a storm is on the way, and after all my years here I can definately feel one brewing.

I'm taking my camera out to Dad's this weekend; I'm dying to share the beauty of the open spaces and the sunsets. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can even get a few cloud shots. You can see for miles and miles out there, and sometimes can catch an entire storm in one frame. I might go take some pictures of around the house today...I'm in a photography mood.

My mother and I took a walk Friday, and saw a forsythia blooming. It's always the first flower, and it got us both excited. She's a garden nut, and is planning on making over our plain Jane yard this year...I can't wait!

Also, I'm taking what I consider a major step in my relationship with my father. I'm going to bring out a few things this next weekend, and we're going to have a sort of dressed-down tea. I think it'll be good for him, and it'll show him a bit more of my personality. If ya'll are nice, I'll post the menu later this week. ;)


Everly Pleasant said...

To be nice in order to get to see the menu:
Sounds like fun! I often find myself in a "photography mood." The best of luck with your tea! It sounds most pleasant. The weather is very much the same! This morning on our way home from church my siblings and I were commenting on how it looks like blustery weather. It is only sprinkling now, but the clouds are dark.

Everly Pleasant said...

oops *the weather HERE (in Texas) is very much the same*