Friday, November 21, 2008

I think I might be...

Calvinist. I'm not entirely certain, I'll have to read a bit more.

My search for a church has been rather disappointing. I found a Baptist group that claimed to be "family integrated" but still adhered to a lot of mainstream ideas about child training and Sunday School and the like. There's a Presbyterian church up the road that has a delightful little building and a small congregation; I've been in it before for a vocal recital. I think I may give it a try. And still, I'm considering a small Latin Mass community on the other side of town, because I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to give up the faith of my birth just like that.

All of this is, of course, coupled with the constant digestion of both new and old texts on doctrine, with the Bible at its heart.

In less heavy news...last night I organized the laundry room! It was desperately in need of it, and looks lovely now. :)

1 comment:

Everly Pleasant said...

Good Luck (I mean, of course, "God's Blessings) on your search for a church. It is wonderful that you're seeking God's will and "the right" place of worship. More than denomination, it is your personal relationship with The Lord that matters, so wherever that is best nourished according to scripture is where we should settle and put down roots.