Friday, November 14, 2008

On Conspiracy Theories, Worry, and The End of the World as We Know It.

"I love peace and quiet. I hate politics and turmoil. " ~ Queen Victoria

If I allow myself to become too wrapped up in matters of politics, I go crazy. I can't sleep, I chew my nails, among other things. I absolutely cannot function properly when I allow myself to dwell too strongly on such issues. I'm convinced that women are not designed to handle such things, and that is part of why we are so suited to the home. Also, as followers of God we are not to be of this world. How can we set ourselves apart from it when we allow ourselves to constantly fear it?

God is sovereign over all things. Whether it is a salvation or a judgement, or something in between, it obviously fit into God's plans for this country to have Barack Obama elected. I pray for him every day, that he will have the wisdom to lead this country. I may not agree with him, but he will be my President, too.

Words like "secession" and "dictatorship" are flying around, as are comparisons of Obama to certain much-despised men of history. To compare Obama to Hitler, in my opinion, is not only foolish, but demeans the gravity of Hitler's memory itself. I see none of the mentally unstable, hate-based rhetoric in Obama, regardless of how socialist his ideas are.

Also, as to the end of the world that so many people assume is immanent...

I could take a long time describing how every time something goes wrong in the world, or a leader they don't like gets elected, certain groups of people like to cry "Apocalypse." But I won't. However, I will say this.

We do not know they day or the hour. No, we don't. I don't care how sure you are, who told you when it is, or why you think that way. We are not meant to know, precisely because if we DID know, we would all go mad. Not only that, but we would hide our true colors in an effort to "make right with God" before the end. Neither you nor I have any idea when this world is going to fall to pieces.

Therefore, wasting time worrying about it, or trying to pinpoint it, is taking away valuable time we could be using to do work for the Lord that is actually useful. He will provide, no matter what, or who, happens.

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