Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Musings

I spent some time with Dad this weekend, and we had a lovely conversation over catfish sandwiches at a restaurant downtown. It was our first chance to talk about the election since it all happened. He had some wonderful insights as a former Marine.

He said when you're in the military, you realize that the President is your boss. It doesn't matter if you voted for him, if you like him, or anything like that. You owe him loyalty and respect as a citizen of his country. It's a good thing to remember.

In addition to scouring the city for a VCR, we also popped in Petsmart for a few minutes. I got acquainted with an interesting fish called a Ghost Catfish. It's very bizarre, you can see right through its translucent skin to its bones! You can count the ribs that stem from its vertebrae, it's very amazing. And once again I wonder how in the world evolution could explain a thing like that.

Still working on my graphics, hope to have them up soon. It may not be this week though, since we're leaving for Texas this Wednesday to have Thanksgiving at my aunt's! I can't wait to see everyone, especially the babies.

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