Saturday, November 1, 2008

Vacation, Voting, and Vexation

My dear parents and I are bound tomorrow morning for Eureka Springs, a gorgeous little town in NW Arkansas. I hope to have many lovely pictures to show you upon our return Tuesday night.

What??? Tuesday??? But that's VOTING DAY!!!!!

Yes, it is, my friends, and this is my very first election ever. We could get into a debate about the vote for households vs. individuals, but since this blog isn't for that at this stage, and voting is my Constitutional right and duty, we shall just focus on the fact that I'm extremely proud to be a part of the history of our country.

This morning (way early) Mom and I hauled ourselves down to the county polling place for in-person absentee voting. (Jay hadn't had thought or had time to renew his address on his ID card, so he had to drive way out to where we used to live.) By the time we got there at 7:30, the sun had not yet risen and already the line wound along the building, through the parking lot, and down the street for a grand total of about four blocks. We stood in line until about 10:45 waiting, and then we cast our votes for the next President of the United States! As well as various local candidates and issues.

Let me make it clear that I'm not terribly fond of either of this year's offerings. But, Oklahoma makes it very difficult for third party candidates to get on the ticket, and it's illegal to write in names. So...I did the best that I could in the circumstances I was given. Not voting, in my opinion, is NOT an option.

As for the vexation, well...after I come back a rather serious post shall materialize. Last night I asked God, in the words of a great woman, to "hit me over the head with a two by four" if this path, a path I'm often conflicted about, is what He asks of me in this life.

Well, on the way home from voting, He did. A word popped out of my mouth that just mortified and astounded me by how easily it rolled off my tongue. In front of my mother! It's not at all a word a lady, or a gentleman for that matter, should ever, ever say.

Suffice it to say I know exactly where this word came from and exactly how I became desensitized to it.


Everly Pleasant said...

Great post! I have so much to say, it seems. Or else I could just say: "I agree!" And "Good for you!"
That was very patriotic of you to stand in line so long. I cannot wait until I can vote. I will be twenty before the next presidental election, but hopefully the little election will hold me over and satisfy my restless, patriotic soul!
Voting has been a big conversational topic in my house lately. As a matter of fact, I think I will post about it. We shall see.
Anyway, I am not gung-ho for either candidate either (who is?) but I think it was very good of you to vote anyway, even if it felt like the lesser of two evils.
About the serious topic, I look forward to hearing about it.
I'll probably be extremely opinionated about usual.
;) Have a blessed week and a good trip to NW Arkansas.

Everly Pleasant said...

*the little elections*
(as in, local ones)

Dan Ellis said...

Great! I'm waiting until the Tuesday lineup.
In the meantime, visit http://EurekaSpringsHistory.Com